
Sally BolleDirector, Marketing and LLC Manager

Meghan WilcoxAssistant Director

Carmen Meyers - Public Relations Director

Susan ShanamanMembership Director

Thank you to our Volunteers:
Marvin Atlas, Joan Schott, Craig Strain, Pat Elliott, Brian and Lisa Pelton

Gary Molnar, Photography Support

Our Inspiration
In June of 2021, Bill Bolle lost his valiant fight with mesothelioma after 4-1/2 years. Initially given 6 months to live, through the miracle of modern medicine and the healing power of music, he beat all the odds. Bill’s incredible, selfless spirit is with us every day, his love for music and playing is our inspiration. We remember and salute our former directors – Emily Laura, Chuck Moss, and Bill Bolle.

Bill and Sally Bolle
Bill and Sally Bolle
Meghan Wilcox – Assistant Director
Meghan Wilcox – Assistant Director


Emily Laura, our matriarch and founder, left this jazzy world on May 10, 2018 at the age of 99. She was active in the organization until two weeks before her passing. We can’t wish her back … she had the most remarkable long life and was sharp as a tack until the end. Emily was the musicians’ dream, always there to listen, always there to support, remembering their issues and caring about their welfare. She worked tirelessly for the jazz community, caring, loving, supporting, and nurturing. She was always fun and a little mischievous – perfect! She is a jazz angel!